UX Collabs

Teams are stronger when they work together. #WinAsOne

Image of cross-team collaboration happening during a user experience post-it session.

Cross-team collab session in process with the UX team, located in our collab area, Hopper.

Team Specific

Dot exercise in UX Collab. The stickers represent: Green = Like Red = Remove Yellow = Combine Blue = Add

UX team collaboration sessions were often needed to bring in another pair of eyes and offer a fresh perspective to a team deep in their work.

In this example, my team uses a dot exercise to filter through options while creating our UX Style Guide.

Each person has a small sheet of yardsale stickers and places them on a Post-It note for further review. Often, the Post-Its were written by the project team before starting the exercise with a larger UX team. This exercise helped to remove nonintentional bias from the process and promoted more inclusive team growth.

Inclusive Process

Image of ux team members collaborating on a individual projects.

Collab session open to individuals without a UX member on their team, however, in need of UX assistance.

If a project was not needed in our internal team projects, the UX Collabs were open to the business. Teams or individuals that did not have a UX member on their project could share their challenges.

We would work through potential solutions that they were able to take back to their teams for review —allaying the feeling of being stuck.

This collab session is also great for advertising or advocating for the UX process in teams that were less concerned for the end user. Plus, it allowed interns and junior members to express themselves in low-pressure projects and learn from senior members.


Sharing the benefits of UX with those in the business that may have yet to hear about the benefits of UX.

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